Friday, December 10, 2010

GAME DAY 10: Radiological 'Dirty Bomb" Attack

Welcome to the 12 Days Prepared Game: Official Game Rules

In this scenario, local terrorists purchase stolen Cesium to make an Radiological Dispersal Device or “dirty bomb.”  Detonator cord is stolen from a mining operation, and all other materials are obtained legally in the United States. Devices are detonated in three separate, but regionally close, moderate-to-large cities. The cities are physically similar. The results in each city are essentially the same. The contaminated region covers approximately thirty-six blocks in each city and includes the business district, residential row houses, crowded shopping areas, and a high school. Buildings in the affected areas are principally made of concrete and brick; some are stone faced.
Cesium would be particularly dangerous if accidentally ingested or inhaled, even in small quantities. Cesium mimics potassium in the body. It binds to concrete and other masonry, making decontamination of such buildings extremely difficult and possibly economically infeasible.

The entire scene is contaminated with Cesium, though not at levels causing immediate concern to first responders. Due to the size of the explosion, the radioactive contamination is blown widely such that the ground zero area is not as radioactive as might have been expected. 

Variable winds of 3 to 8 miles per hour carry the radioactively contaminated aerosol throughout an area of approximately thirty-six blocks (the primary deposition zone). Complex urban wind patterns carry the contamination in unpredictable directions, leaving highly variable contamination deposition with numerous hot spots created by wind eddies and vortices. 
The attacks have no advance notice or intelligence that indicates their possibility. The explosions are instantaneous, but plume dispersion continues for 20 minutes while breezes navigate the complex environments before particles have fully settled. First responders do not recognize radioactive contamination for 15 minutes in city one. The explosions in cities two and three are promptly identified as “dirty bombs” – this provides some advantage to first responders and government officials in managing contamination on-scene, and in communicating with the public concerning topical contamination and spread of contamination.

You are in city #3 and the media is wildly reporting that these attacks are dirty bombs. 
Two simple questions:
  • Upon hearing this news, what types of protective actions would you take in this situation?
  • How do you think the community could be made more aware of preparing for this threat?
Play along by answering the questions in ONE of the following locations
Original Game Rules for #12DaysPrepared can be read here:

Remember to sign up for the Community Conversation Event on Monday, December 13th, from 1p-5p at Clark College here in Vancouver. To register, please click on this link:


Cindy Stanley said...

1. If you are close, think you may be close, or haven’t received confirmation where the affected area is by trusted authorities (not just media), do the following: Stay inside if possible, close windows, turn off heating or air conditioning and stay near the center of the building.
2. Have Emergency Resource Guides and specific actions posted on CRESA’s website so that the community knows where to get their immediate guidance until specific instructions are issued.

Unknown said...

1.) If I were outside and thought I was close to the contamination area. I would (grab my 72 hour kit) find the densest shelter close by. Concrete or underground basement. I would not be looking for the light to determine if there had been a bomb! Don't want to go blind! I would stay put until the authorities said (on my radio) it was a safe to come out and evacuate the area.
2.) The best way for me to let people know about this danger is to talk to them. I give Emergency Resource Guides, calendars, I talk to groups I am part of and hold classes to inform people how they can take care of themselves.

:p said...

1. If I were at home I would be in the basement of my building where the underground concrete parking garage. I park down there and so my truck would be available for me to use the supplies inside. I would also have my radios to hear more details for precautionary actions and response. I would be able to assit with other floors in the building as the stairwells are all concrete and in the center of the building. Air is pushed from the garage up. As soon as I could I would attempt to shut the air in the stairs.
2. This would be the same as many other answers as it would be part of the region preparedness campaigns. Empower the citizens to protect and respond for themselves and families.