Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back to School Emergency Planning

I cannot believe that I am already thinking and sharing information on back to school topics.  Seems like only yesterday we were sharing information on how to "survive" this unusually warm summer. As your prepare the little ones in your life for the either dreaded or celebrated return to school take a moment to review what would happen if an emergency occurred while your child was at school or daycare.

For many parents back to school preparedness means picking up notebooks, pencils, clothes, backpacks, and other supplies needed to start the year off right.  The beginning of the new school year is also a good time to know your school's emergency plans and how the school will communicate with parents in emergencies.  Emergency plans vary greatly from location to location, but every education or care facility should have some sort of emergency and notification plan.

Back to school planning tips include:
  • Know the school's emergency plan
  • Know where the children will be taken in the event of an evacuation, is there a predesignated parent/child reunification spot?
  • Ensure parent emergency contact information is up to date
  • Pre-authorize a friend or relative to pick up your child, ensure your child and the school are aware of who these people are
  • Have a family communications plan, plan which includes contact information for an out-of-area family member or friend
  • Make a small school emergency kit

Taking a few minutes before school starts to become familiar with these emergency related items could reduce the level of stress during an actual event.  It is an understatement to say a parent's worst nightmare is something happening to your child when you are not there to protect them.  Knowing a few details in advance will help you make smart decisions while responding to emergencies.

Visit some of the following helpful family emergency preparedness links:

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