The difference between saving your life (or not) may be in
keeping your cell phone charged and with you at all times. We hear of people actually turning off their
phone at night, leaving it in the car and forgetting to keep it charged. With the inexpensive charging devices
available to us today, there really are not that many good excuses for not keeping
them handy. But, what if someone was
trying to reach you for an emergency call?
What if public officials needed to notify you of a wildfire or flash
flood? Some of you might still have
landlines and good for you. That works
if you’re home. What if you are anywhere
else but home?
Life can be scary, but less so if you are prepared. Having to call 911 for an emergency (Know
Your Location please) or receiving an alert telling you of a potential or
imminent dangerous situation means you need to keep your phone charged and with you. See this
article from the recent floods in Texas.
Some of the folks that received emergency messages just ignored
them. If we have to send emergency alerts of messages like these, we hope you take them seriously.
Please try to keep your car filled with gas (or at least half filled) as much as possible and keep your cell phone charged at all times. Be ready Clark County!
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