Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Disaster Shopping List: Week 5

Creative Commons via Sk8geek

It's time again to start putting together your weekly shopping list. We are now in Week #5 of this 12-week shopping series about things that you can buy to better enhance your personal preparedness. 

This week, we focus on Health & First Aid, a must in any emergency situation.

Here are your Week #5 Shopping Items:
  • Hand Sanitizer (great for killing germs and can also be a good fire starter)
  • Toothpaste and toothbrushes for each member of your family 
  • First aid tape, gauze and bandages
  • First aid manual (or if you use a smart phone, download an application that shows how to apply first aid)
So, if you've been following along so far, you should have containers, food, water, utensils and now you can kill germs, start fires and perform some basic first aid, all with minty fresh breath!  You are on your way to having supplies on hand to help you in many types of emergencies.

If you missed the previous weeks of shopping lists, here are the links:

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