Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Disaster Shopping List, Week 3

Creative Commons via sk8geek
It's Wednesday and time for your Week 3 shopping list mission!  If you've been faithfully reading and following the advice of our good friends at Cowlitz Emergency Management, you should now have containers, water, food and other sundry tems. 

Now , it's time for more food to keep your family nourished in case of an emergency.  As you roam the aisles in search of bargains this week, throw in these extra items for your emergency kit:
  • 1 jar of jam or jelly
  • 1 jar of peanut butter
  • Box(es) of saltine crackers
  • Bag(s) of beef jerky
  • Large can(s) of juice and a manual can opener
  • Instant coffee, tea and powder drinks
  • Consider keeping a few loaves of bread in the freezer and rotating them every few months.
These items shouldn't cost a fortune and will keep you fed when the lights are out.  Remember to scale the food you store to the family size you have!  If you have a larger family, keep more food on hand.

Keep it easy.....just doing one thing each day to better prepare yourself will help you keep a keen eye towards the safety of you and your family.

If you missed our previous week shopping lists, here are the links to:
Week #1: 
Week #2:

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