Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Earthquake Anniversary Awareness

We may see sentences with Earthquake and Awareness together, but it’s not often the word Anniversary enters the picture. 8 pm tonight, Wednesday, January 12 tune into Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) to watch *Deadliest Earthquakes. This show follows a team of US Geologists as they visit Haiti in the immediate aftermath of their horrendous 7.0 earthquake and is being shown on their one year anniversary.

Next month is the one year anniversary of Chile’s February 27 devastating 8.8 earthquake. A little closer to home, January 26 is the 311th anniversary of the Cascadia earthquake and February 28 is the 10 year anniversary of our own area’s Nisqually, WA earthquake. Many of us remember the shaking of buildings and nerves in our own area. What does that remind us? We also live in earthquake country and have the potential for large disasters here, right in our own back yard.

Please learn what you can do to better prepare yourself and the ones you care about by taking actions to increase your chances of survival.
  • Sign up for CRESA Alerts to link your home address with your wireless and email

  • Create a simple emergency family contact plan (Out of Area Contacts) to reconnect with the ones your love

  • Prepare emergency kits for your home, car, work and school or daycare

  • Utilities - Know how to and when to shut off utilities during an earthquake

  • Learn CPR and First Aid and/or other advanced preparedness class

  • Take important steps to make your home more stable against earthquakes, including:
    Securing water heaters in older homes, wall hangings, tall furniture, secure kitchen and cabinets, garage and storage safety and structural mitigation.

*Deadliest Earthquakes will also be repeated on January 17 at 1 am for you night owls or TV recording enthusiasts.

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