Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Community Volunteers- Who are they

On April 21st, CRESA hosts the Clark County Citizen Corps Appreciation Event.  This is really one of the high points of our year as we thank and acknowledge our volunteers for the support they give each year to their community.  As a follower of CRESA you may be among the nearly 63 million people who volunteered last year (according to the US Bureaus of Labor Statistics).  But if you’re not then you may want to know a bit more about those do volunteer.

For the year September 2013 to September 2014 the US had a volunteer rate of about 25%.  Of those approximately 43% were male and 47% female.  Teens were more active (26%) than twenty something’s (19%) and those of us in the middle had the highest rate of volunteerism at 30%.

Married couples volunteer more (30%) than those who have never married (20%) and those with other marital statuses (21%).   The volunteer rate of parents with children under age 18 (32%) remained higher than the rate for persons without children under age 18 (23%).  Thank you to all our little league and soccer coaches.

Religious organizations lead by type (33.3%) followed by Education & youth services (25.1%), social & community service (14.4%), Health Care (7.4%), Civic (5.2%), sport & hobby (3.9%),  Environmental & animal at (2.6%) and Public Safety at (1.1%).  The remaining volunteers are not determined by type or are in other categories.

These folks give an average of 50 hours a year and participate in at least 2 organizations and 92% have full or part time employment.

These numbers give an overview of who, when, what and how we volunteer.  But if you want to get a sense of who the folks really are- and maybe find an organization where you fit in- then check out our website or leave us a note and maybe we can help  http://cresa911.org/volunteer-programs/

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