Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Is Your Car Emergency Kit Ready for Winter?

As the year draws closer to an end, days get shorter, we see cooler temps in the area, and reports of snow in nearby areas can easily be found. This time of year,  if you have not already done so, marks taking a look at whats in your emergency car kit.  You may want to consider trading the flip flops and board shorts for a warmer change of clothing.  Boots, warm jackets, hats, gloves, and even a warm blanket or sleeping bag could be the difference in survival.  Make sure you have items to signal for help, a small shovel, some basic tools, a way of staying warm, along with some food and water.

Cars break down, and with changing seasons, so do the stresses on our vehicles.  However being prepared if you find yourself in one of these situations is key.   This short video borrowed from our friends at Ready Wisconsin gives us a really good look at some simple items and things to consider of having with you for the next few months.

Now some of you may say that winters here in the the Pacific Northwest are nothing like those in the Midwest, however we do have the occasional storms drop snow in the Portland metro area.  With those storms here, comes plenty of ice.  These conditions lead to many slide-offs as people try to get to and from. Tow Truck resources, Snow Plow and State Patrol can easily get backed up which could leave you there managing on your own for hours.  Many of us travel, and realistically if you travel east or west,  you will likely run into some sort of mountainous pass where you could end up driving through winter type conditions.

So take a few minutes and look through your emergency car kit.  Just as you service your vehicle for the winter months, think about the needs you may have if unexpectedly you end up having to spend some time in your waiting for help to arrive.  It could be the difference in your survival.

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